My Story
Hey there, I’m Peter.
I grew up in my father’s jewelry store. Along the way, I have found interest in different career paths so I guess the best way I can describe myself is as a creator and entrepreneur.
I’m on a mission in life to bring a little elegance and style to the classic gentleman of the modern world.
I believe we should always dress well, never overdone or fancy but with style, and a little panache maybe.
Born and raised in The City of the Angles, growing up in my dad’s jewelry store, it’s been a part of my life since I was 5 years old.
Back then, I spent lots of those summers visiting my aunt and uncle’s house, and their younger daughter, my cousin, loved classic movies so I spent many late nights as a kid watching these old films.

Here I am, stylish from the early days 😁
This is where I discovered Humprey Bogart, Cary Grant, and the king of cool himself, Steve McQueen.
I’ve probably seen Casablanca, To Catch a Thief, and The Maltese Falcon over a dozen times each.
So, I have dear old dad to thank for my love of jewelry. I have my cousin and classic movies to thank for my love of style and fashion.
This all led me to be a fan of personal style. To me, personal style doesn’t mean fancy or over-dressed. Some of the most stylish people in recent history weren’t fancy dressers.
The aforementioned King of Cool, Paul Newman, and Marlon Brando all had a great definition of personal style with their own attitude.
Speaking of attitude, Bogart was a badass in a tux or a trench coat.
I spent most of my life working in the jewelry industry, in a couple of capacities. I went from retail to wholesale as a sales rep and account executive when I became a single father and needed a more flexible schedule to take care of my daughter.
My daughter and I when she graduated College
In 2003 I took a GIA diamond certification class, and I enjoyed every minute of it. Especially using the microscope. I remember being thrilled whenever I looked at a diamond magnified so closely and feeling fascinated.
For a few years, I left the industry and got into Mergers and acquisitions, and I did business valuations. Helping people decipher the value of their business. I still do.
But I came back to my first love which is jewelry. I started a blog in 2016 that has slowly become this website.

I spent many, many thousands of hours studying and learning digital marketing and copywriting to develop and grow my business. As I spent the time and went through all these studies, I recently had an epiphany. I decided to focus my attention here on this site, exclusively on men’s jewelry.
And, I have to say, I now love this version of my website 😊
I hope you love it too and I sincerely hope you feel inspired. If you want to check out my blog, please do so here.